Minggu, 21 November 2010

Memang Amerika udah gak jaman

1997, terinspirasi gaya komunikasi struktural yang dikembangkan di Jerman, mendaftarlah aku di Goethe Institut - Bandung.Berbekal Rp 280ribu per kwartal, sertifikat internasional untuk Bahasa Jerman tingkat dasar, plus bonus dapat pacar teman sekelas :), berangan-anganlah aku bahwa suatu saat aku akan ke Jerman.

Dan, 13 tahun kemudian Gusti Allah memberiku ijin untuk menginjakan kakiku di Jerman. Koln & Frankfurt. 25 Oktober 2010.

Oktober Fest memang telah lewat. Gpp juga sih, kan bisa ada alasan untuk suatu saat kembali lagi.

Menginap di pinggiran Frankfurt, NH Hotel, butuh waktu sekitar setengah jam dan 40 Euro dengan naik taksi menuju pusat kota. Ternyata lebih mudah mencari hiburan malam di Jakarta daripada di Frankfurt. Yang tersedia lewat jam 10 malam adalah bar dan restoran, kasino, serta wisata sex. Tujuan sebenarnya adalah ke Hard Rock Cafe. Berbekal alamat yang rinci serta GPS Sang Supir Taksi yang orang Timur Tengah, sampailah kami di alamat yang benar. Ternyata? Hard Rock Cafe Frankfurt tutup!

Apa gerangan ini? Ternyata wujud kebangkrutan Amerika terasa hingga Eropa. Warga Frankfurt sudah gak ada perlu-perlunya lagi untuk tetap memiliki gerai makan khas Amerika tersebut. Akhirnya, berlabuhlah kami di sebuah bar kecil di pusat kota sambil menikmati kebab (sangat Asia) dan tentu saja bir.

Mana kala hari terakhirku di Frankfurt keesokannya, tentu saja tak bisa dilewatkan the real Frankfurter (yang katanya ada babinya) dan lagi-lagi bir. Hehehe, gpp lah sekali-kali. Mumpung di kampung asalnya ya nikmati yang khas daerah situ :).

Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

First hunt, then farm

If one ask you of which one is more important: retain existing customers or gain new ones? Well, I might say both are equally important. But when it's come to timing matter, it depends.

Whatever we sell, it should have its life lively. By lively means deeper the root and wider the growth. When your product is in growing stage, then getting new ones sholud be the priority. But when it's come near to its maturity, focus on deepening the root.

Yes, one should do the farming. The root needs to be deepen so that it by itself will be fruitful. Another, do the hunting. No matter how big one tree is, needs to serach for new ones. Somebody should do the hunting.

Farmer & hunter has different characteristic. Don't let them fight. Let them sing & dance so that our village can live happily ever after :).

Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

Good, better, best

Ever since I got my period, I used feminine napkins. Sure. Back at that time, I only used one type only. The type that I used at noon was the same type I used when the sun was out.

At my early time got the period, it often leaks. yeah, I was an amateur, wasn't I? As time flies, I learn a lot about me, myself, my body, my type, my period, my habit, etc. so that it won't have to leak out again. Yup, I would say that I'm getting better time after time. Yet, there were style one type of fem nap I used.... until a few years before now.

As I knew things more and more, and also things are developed more and more, I then used different type of fam nap. At my first days, I use the thicked-longed one. Then at the 3rd or 4th day, I used my usual one. Entering the 5th until the end, I used the thinner one. And at nights of those days, I used the night-wing type until the 4th night. The nights after, I use the thin night-wing type.

Wow, count that type of fem nap that I use now. It's 5 types for my one serial of period! My period is still the same as one I use to get years ago, but habit had change. My purchase had change. That super specified products are available for my one needs, but 5 wants!

As seen gto the way I handle my period, I was good, I'd learned better, and now O'm best facing it :).

Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

Buyer, Seller

What can be bought without money yet priceless? What can be sold without enough currency? Where can those buyer-seller meet?

Idea. You sell idea tou yourself. You buy your own idea. All meets in you.

You are your market. Market of idea. Buy yourself one. Sell yourself one.

Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010

Half north, half south


Hari ini terakhir berada di Pontianak. Sore kembali ke Jakarta. Well, Pontianak.Step my feet on this Borneo island completes my journey of having had on Indonesia's primary island.

Well, call me freak if you like :). Tapi aku memang mengikuti cita-cita seperti sang Maha Patih terbesar yang pernah ada di negeri ini, Palapa. Aku tak akan pergi keluar negeri sebelum seluruh wilayah Nusantara (setidaknya pulau-pulau utama) telah ku kunjungi! Dan di Pontianak ini, Sumpah Palapa-ku rampung sudah! After this, if God surely let me, I'll go to Europe!

You see there're some exclamation points one after another. Yes, I am exciting! (More exclamation point! :)) Aku tak malu bahwa memang aku belum pernah ke Singapore.
Dan dengan bangga aku bisa bilang bahwa Jawa, Sumatera, Sulawesi, Papua, Maluku, Bali, Nustrabar, Nustratim, dan Borneo sudah pernah kukunjungi.

Perjalanan kali ini melengkapi dengan manis cita-citaku. Berkunjung ke Tugu Khatulistiwa, belahan badan kiriku di belahan bumi utara, sedangkan kananku di selatan. Cool, isn't it?

Wahai people of Indonesia. You should be proud of our country. There's no such experience like this in another countries. Jangan dulu buang devisa keluar sebelum puas di sini. aku mau tularkan semangat ini ke lebih banyak orang. PR kita bersama hanya satu: Membangun Super Brand Indonesia!

Minggu, 18 Juli 2010


Apa artinya pengalaman bagi sebuah pekerjaan? Ya, pekerjaan apa pun itu. Bisa pekerjaan sementara kita di kantor atau pekerjaan abadi kita dalam kehidupan. Apakah harus selalu yang berpengalaman yang menjadi pemimpin?

Anakku kepalanya terbentur kursi ketika sedang bersama pengasuhnya. Yup, Sang Pengasuh yang sudah bersamanya sejak dia berusia 3 bulan. Berpengalaman sekali 'kan? Atau justru saking berpengalamannya dia sampai pada satu titik lengah. Well, syukurlah tak ada luka. Hanya benjol saja.

Atau, timku yang rata-rata sudah bekerja lebih lama dariku tapi diserahkan untuk ku awasi. Man, I was not even half of their working time there, yet they were given to me. Given? Or have I unconsciously made my self to be gifted them?

It's frustating sometimes. Maybe that's what the subordinate feels about being supervised by a less-experienced. But I lead any way, right? So, I must have got something that the boss saw in me that they don't have :)

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Jabulani; The love, the hate, the buzz

There's no bad publication. It's just publication after all.

The word Jabulani seems to be the most popular one in the last recent months. Months? Correct. Do you realize that it's been months since we -the non antropologist, non ethnic nor lingua expert- heard, read, and said over and over. I've seen even a soccer magz made a an advertorial just about the ball.

Man, it's now can't be dumped out of our mind (mine at least). Just make my eagerness to get one event bigger. Well, as they say, there's no bad publications. It sells any way :).

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

Content, context, infra structure

Have you ever wondered why people is more into Twitter than Facebook and Yahoo! is passionate into Koprol?

Take your time to take a look at them a little deeper:
- You can express even more in FB
- Twitter has more character limitation
- Koprol can share what (and where) you're up to

However, I found that in FB, the expression is tend into negative tone. But as I notice in Twitter, due to its character limitation, people is more selective in expressing themselves. That is why its tone tends to be more possitive. You don't want to be solely judged when you're angry, right? :)
Well, I suppose LM was lucky because people supported her (as people has common 'enemy' :)).

In short, let me wrap up for you:
- Twitter is more likable because its CONTENT is possitive
- FB is prefer because it can express the CONTEXT that we're in
- Koprol is sexy to Yahoo! because of its INFRA STRUCTURE

So, if there is a Triumvirate in Marketing, I bet this CCI is! :)

Rabu, 19 Mei 2010


Hey, we just got our new Finance Minister. Agus Martowardojo. Back in the days, at Sudirman & Bintaro we just call him Agus Marto :).
Gotten an expectation to my previous boss, I just hope he can deliver more value to us. Value means benefit devided by cost.
Sure there are cost that we have to spend (he's not from any, you know). But he should give out even more benefit. To the macro, to the micro. That's what I mean by value :).

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Timing is every thing

Tonight, just like the night before and before and before, spend out at Pool 10. And also 11.
While enjoying my stick & balls, then come a girl. She's not bad, at all, yet not too gorgeous though. However, she was like a center piece. All eyes are on her.
What a phenomenon. She dressed not so special, nor her make up. But men & women all take a glimpse.
Try not to be envy, I was thinking what so special about her. Then it was just the music. She came right when the music started. Then she moved along the rhytm. Harmonious!
Then it was just a perfect timing that credited her all the attantion. How simple thing turned out to be perfection. I couldn't help but wonder: what if we permanently applied her trick on our job. On our project. All eyes would be just on us. I suppose this is what so called in the marketing term: Time to Market.
Well, it is no wonder if people say that timing is every thing :).

Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

Thank God

See something awkward in the writing?

According to the dictionary, it should be one 's', both for British & American. But there's no Indonesian version, right? Even Sing has one.

So, no worries. It's just my version. Thank God to give me one :)


May 12, 2010

Trending topic for today is memorizing 12 years of (Indonesian) Chaotic May. Tweeps are varied, from sentimental to apathetic. One says that because of this then he had a passport. Some even questioning that were Trisakti students hero?

Any way, today is 2 delayed days of my request to be coached. Yes, I asked for it as I certainly needed. I fully realized that there some areas of me need an intensive improvement (as I certainly new to this field). Also I need to express my side of story (people shall always need both sides of story, right?)

At certain point, I was big-hearted (at least try to) to let this burden passed to some one that seems to be very ambitious to handle. Unfortunately, that person I recommend was not given enough trust from the mandate giver. That remains me no choice than to take the challenge.

As my mentor said, he is convinced that in five years I'll turn out to be something. Thus, I will remember this day why he wouldn't let me pass.

If other put his trust on me that big, then there's no way that I shall not be :)